Bumblebee Jasper is a combination of different minerals including volcanic deposits. Known for its..
$52.42 US
A beautiful angel sculpted of genuine brass with attached chain and loop. Perfect for those who wish..
$14.20 US
Baltic Amber is the fossil resin from pine trees that flourished in the Baltic region 25 to 60 milli..
$8.96 US
Known as a stone of protection, Jasper is believed to aid in driving away evil. It can also aid in s..
$14.95 US
Beautiful Green Opal with various patterns and colors throughout the stone. Green Opal is said to he..
$36.68 US
Beautiful Grape Agate mini specimens. The purple hue of these crystal formations is soothing, re..
$2.21 US
It said that if you seek Shungite, or are gifted a piece, that you will know exactly how you are m..
$16.45 US
Grass Jasper encourages feelings of calm & reassurance. It steadies and balances emotional highs..
$36.68 US
2024 Moonology Daily Calendar -75%
Unlock the magical powers of the Moon to manifest an incredible life, with daily affirmations and in..
$17.98 US $4.49 US
Mabon Herbal Tea -50%
Flavor Profile: Balance and harvest the energies of the autumnal equinox with this apple and pumpkin..
$11.62 US $5.81 US
Throat Chakra Herbal Tea -50%
Flavor Profile: Open the channels of communication with this soothing mix of mint and flowers. Speak..
$11.62 US $5.81 US
Sacral Chakra (Navel) Herbal Tea -50%
Flavor Profile: Stirr up the energies of your navel (sacral) chakra with this warm cup of orange and..
$11.62 US $5.81 US
Fairytale Herbal Tea -50%
Flavor Profile: A floral tisane inspired by ancient tales. Do the Fair Folk mean you blessings or mi..
$11.62 US $5.81 US
Solar Plexus Herbal Tea -50%
Flavor Profile: Stoke the flame of your solar plexus chakra with this spicy blend that will help emp..
$11.62 US $5.81 US
Beltane Herbal Tea -50%
Flavor Profile: This tea will dance you around the maypole. Rejoice as flowers and spices raise your..
$11.62 US $5.81 US
Paper Tea Bags, 100 ct -50%
Natural paper tea bags that are chlorine-free paper fibers that will not taint the flavor of brewed ..
$10.12 US $5.06 US